April 18, 2023 board meeting


This meeting will be open to the public, with the exception of closed sessions allowed under G.S. § 143-318.11. Please contact us with any requests for accommodations or information about the meeting.

Please note that the end time of the meeting is approximate and will depend on the amount of discussion.

If available, background materials will be posted in the Documents section of this page. Please note that the agenda items may change before the meeting. If that happens, there will be a notation next to the item. Please also note that some agenda items may not be listed below; for the full agenda, please click the "Agenda" link.  Finally, please be aware that the chairperson may change the order of the agenda.

  • Agenda
  • Ethics awareness and conflict-of-interest statement
  • Oath of office
  • Approval of minutes from the February 28 and April 2, 2023 meetings
  • Administrative hearings
  • Felony hearings
  • Request by Electrolysis Association of North Carolina for approval of continuing education units (CEUs)
  • Rulemaking-temporary rules for electrology apprenticeship program
  • Rulemaking-update on current rulemaking activity
  • Appointment of committee for review of CEUs for electrology and laser hair practice
  • Election of board officers
  • Next meeting date
  • Adjournment

As noted in the agenda, two of the board positions are vacant because the board is newly established and certain appointments made by the General Assembly are being approved under the State Ethics Act. However, the board is inviting the anticipated appointees to participate as though they were board members (without voting).